Wednesday, May 18, 2011

India is HOT.

And I don't mean hot like "oh that dress is HOT!" I mean hot as in I feel like my face is melting when I step outside. Never have I been so glad for the sun to set....

Negativity aside, INDIA IS WILD! I have never truly traveled (besides Mexico and the Bahamas...) so this is definitely a lot to take in...let's just say I haven't been speaking much, more just gazing out the window at the thousands of other people on the road (half of which are on motor bikes, the other half a combination of buses and rickshaws).

Today we went to Agra was HUGE and there were a lot of tourists as well as native Indians...also a lot of beggars and naturally people trying to sell you everything under the sun. It was super pretty and ornate...the king had it built hundreds of years ago and it just amazes me what people accomplished without any sort of machinery, just their bare hands and sweat!

Tomorrow is the Taj Mahal...WOO! Very excited to see it. We have to walk a kilometer to reach it because no cars are allowed within a kilometer to preserve the monument. OH and they are SUPER eco-friendly here, it's great!

Alright that's all for to ya'll soon!

1 comment:

  1. I knew this would be Louis. "I feel like my face is melting..."

    Are you posting pictures as well? Or maybe after the trip?

    How's jet-lag?

    Thanks for keeping up on the posts!


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